There is a bumper sticker I hear on the news that says "save a deer shoot a Hmong" The only Hmong that should be shot is the one that pulled the trigger on these folks. Yea this is going to open up a lot of cans of worms including race problems again and gun control issues. WI has a lot of problems with Hmongs tresspassing and not obeying conservation laws which tick off a lot of people but to be honest about the issue a lot of whites have been doing the same for years they just never shot any one yet over a tree stand. The only part of the issue that makes me mad is if a white guy gets busted for tresspassing or breaking the game laws it is assumed he knew he was breaking the law. The Hmongs use the issue it is a cultural thing and they do not understand the concept of tresspass or breaking game laws. To which I say is BS they understand getting bennies from the Gov easy enough, but do not understand this? :twisted: