Ya might tell the little lady that she needs to chew them hides soft before she sews them up :wink: .
When I set expressly for cats I like 1/16 cable. The 1X19 stuff is nice, but once loaded,m your sorta stuck with one loop size. Now then, the 1x19 is more chew out resistant than the 7X7 which makes it a bit more useful as a dual purpose coyote / cat snare. But I like a significantly smaller loop for many of my blocked down cat snares...are you seeing my delemma?
I have some "stinger" springs worked into a mix of 7X7 and 1X19 1/16 cable. Marty speaks highly of this set up for coyotes and I plan on finding out first hand. I'll say this, that heavey spring makes for fast closing. I didn't make up any snares with Ambergs plus Stingers. They may not work very well according to Marty.