Yup, I was in the little hardware store in the crappy little town north of where I live, on the last day to vote for president. There were three or four guys talking politics, and I had an unusual 1 1/2 coil I had bought used which needed an 'S' hook in order to hook chain to it. One of the little guys came over and started some {colorful explicitive} about the trap.
And said, upon hearing who I voted for, that "everybody in 'town' voted for the other guy. I turned and said:
"Oh, I see your point, yes, 38,000 white trash and {negroes}
couldn't possibly be wrong, could they?"
And stared at him awaiting his answer.
No answer.
So I went back to what I was doing.
The wimpy little guy asked me where I lived.
I turned and told him "I don't tell people I don't like where I live!"
Whereupon he says:
"You don't even know me! What do you mean you don't like me!"
"I took an immediate intense personal dislike to you somewhere between the third and the fifth word out of your mouth, {colorful explicitive referring to a female dog!}
Don't call me a {colorful explicitive referring to a female dog} he said.
Whereupon I turned and hollered at him in my best R. Lee Ermy,
drill instructor voice: "What are you gona do about it, {same colorful explicitive!} hit me with your {colorful explicitive} purse!
And stared at him awaiting his answer. 'Huh!"
The room was pretty silent for a minute, when somebody behind me said to another:
"No, I'm not going to help him, I don't like him either."
'I'm just going to stand here and watch {whatever his name was}
get hisself beat to death.
I turned and looked out of the corner of my eye, at the guy {my friend} who worked there, and tried hard, but was quite unable to supress a smile. Got my 'S' hook and left.
All in fun it was, evidently the 'guy' was loosing the political discussion anyway. And lost the anti-trap discussion as well!
{Mr. Bogmaster sir, I hope this was not offensive, delete it if it was.}
J. Knife