Author Topic: any comments on rossi revolver quality?  (Read 1342 times)

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Offline gunpilot

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any comments on rossi revolver quality?
« on: January 30, 2005, 01:01:40 PM »
I have been considering a taurus 357 mag, and although I love the ribber grips, I have heard they are often junk. How about a Rossi? Any comments on Rossi qualitY?

Offline Doc TH

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Taurus vs Rossi
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2005, 04:50:05 PM »
Owned a Rossi once; bought it because it was low-priced.  It was at best OK.  Since then I have come to believe that it's a better decision to spend the $ up front and get a S&W, or for those that like them a Ruger.  Quality lasts.

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« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2005, 02:22:08 AM »
Rossi sold out to Taurus a while back for what ever that will mean.

I had an older Rossi in 38 Special with four inch barrel, equivalent to a K frame S&W.  Not a S&W but not bad for the money.

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any comments on rossi revolver quality?
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2005, 05:00:09 PM »
I have owned two Rossi revolvers for about 10 years.  My wife carries a 2" SS .38 special that she loves and I also have a model 971 6" SS in .357 mag that I have carried in the woods while hunting.  Have found both to be of good quality, moderately accurate and the prices when I bought them were very reasonable.

Do not know what has occurred since their partnership with Taurus but can only feel that this would have been a positive move for Rossi.

Also own a few S&W.  In my opinion, Rossi and Taurus are both inferior to S&W in quality and accuracy.


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any comments on rossi revolver quality?
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2005, 02:31:20 PM »
I just inherited one last week, a 3"  (Model 68?) 38, comparable to a J-frame Smith.  I've never heard much good about Rossi's, people were either indifferent about them or said they were on the low end of the quality spectrum.  Well, the one I got is practically unfired, has well-fitted grips, good even bluing, and seems solid.  On the same token, I'm not about to run a bunch of 38+P's thru it, because I don't think it's made for that.  Mine was made in the late 70's, and as long as I respect its limitations, it should last forever.  YMMV.

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any comments on rossi revolver quality?
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2005, 05:04:39 PM »
The quality has improved since the 70s and 80s lemons. The last one I had, a stainless .22 LR, was a fine shooter. I traded it to my brother. He still has it. The trigger was a bit heavier out of the box compared to most S&W K frames. It grouped every bit as well.
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any comments on rossi revolver quality?
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2005, 10:11:35 AM »
My only experience with Rossi revolvers was through a couple my wife and I knew in grad school, not quite ten years ago. He had a Rossi .357 that absolutely would not shoot. I was with him at a "Citizen's Day" shoot at a local PD firing range when he was attempting to zero the sights on his .357. He could barely get the Rossi to hit the paper at 10-15 yards. After the rangemaster worked with the gun a while, he discovered the barrel was misaligned with the frame, thus causing horrible inaccuracy. On the other hand, this guy's wife had a Rossi snubnose .38 that shot reasonably well, even though the wife could not handle the recoil. The guy got rid of the .357 and just toted the .38 after that.

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any comments on rossi revolver quality?
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2005, 12:01:07 PM »
The Rossi is even worse junk than the Taurus is.

Stick with S&W or Ruger-----even a used one is better than that South American garbage.

Offline Old Griz

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any comments on rossi revolver quality?
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2005, 07:34:16 PM »
:cb2: I totally agree with Omaha-BeenGlockin. I finally sold the last Taurus I will ever own, and the Rossi isn't as good. Gun Tests magazine did a test on some cheap revolvers, including the Charter Arms and the Rossi .357s. The Charter Arms firing pin broke pretty early on, however the barrel shroud on the Rossi shot off after just seven rounds were fired through it.

You are much better off with a used S&W or Ruger, than a new Rossi. If it's a carry gun, you don't want to risk your life with a piece of junk. If it's just a fun gun, it still ain't fun when it breaks.

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Offline Gerald McDonald

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any comments on rossi revolver quality?
« Reply #9 on: March 17, 2005, 04:44:44 AM »
Its pretty much hit or miss no matter what you buy now. Hang out on the Ruger forum and youll find plenty of problems, go over to the S&W forum, same thing. I looked through the Taurus forum here, seems to be more satisfied owners than non satisfied.

It depends on what you want your handgun for, I have a couple of little Rossi's 68S for truck guns. Maybe 500 rounds through each with no problems other than the cylinder binds on one from powder buildup after 60 - 100 rounds. I dont see that as an issue, I wont be shooting that many rounds through it anyway. Triggers are as smotth as any after they are broken in, accuracy is on par with Ruger or Smith.  I picked them up used for $125 and if one is stolen from the truck, I wont shed a tear.

 If you plan on heading to the range weekly and putting a couple of hundred rounds a week thru one, I"d say go with a Smith or Ruger, If you can afford a Smith or Ruger go with one. But if your on a limited budget, either Taurus or Rossi makes some decent handguns, lotta people dont like them but my experience has been okay.

 I have owned a lot of Smiths and Rugers and these have been as good as any. If you open them, they are much rougher in areas like the bolt and hand but they shoot fine.


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any comments on rossi revolver quality?
« Reply #10 on: March 17, 2005, 04:50:28 AM »
I've owned one. Bought it new for self defense carry long ago. It looked better than a S&W on the outside. BUT it never ever as long as I had it failed to lock up if you tried to rapid fire it double action. Would have been totally useless for self defense. I traded it back to the dealer where I bought it.

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any comments on rossi revolver quality?
« Reply #11 on: March 18, 2005, 08:31:40 AM »
Quote from: Omaha-BeenGlockin
The Rossi is even worse junk than the Taurus is.

Stick with S&W or Ruger-----even a used one is better than that South American garbage.

Can't argue with that.  :D  S&W or Ruger for me. :grin:
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any comments on rossi revolver quality?
« Reply #12 on: March 19, 2005, 05:30:11 PM »
My son had a Rossi .357.  We had to move the rear sight way off center to get it on target.  Other than that it functioned reasonably well.  However my son did not like the feel of it, so because of that and the sights, he traded it in on a Ruger GP100.  He has never been sorry.
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Offline dogngun

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any comments on rossi revolver quality?
« Reply #13 on: March 22, 2005, 06:09:13 AM »
I had a Rossi .357 stainless revolver that was a pretty good shooter, and cheap to buy. BUT...You can get a used Ruger Security Six for about the same price as a Rossi, and the Ruger is so much better, they are not even on the same scale.

I have 2 .357 revolvers now, both Smith Model 19's, both from the 1970's, and even though they are nearly 30 years old, they are better guns than my Rossi was when it was new.

I do have an old Rossi carbine that is a great lever gun, but you're talking revolvers.

Mark      8)
PS - Just read that Rossi revolvers are extremely close to S&W internally, moreso that Taurus. FWIW.