I like my $28.00 Simmons 3-mm Red Dot the best on my shotgun. I have a 2.5x20 Tasco shotgun scope (got it after I shot the gun with a nice old Weaver 4x and after about the 4th shot leaned a bit close on the bench and cut my right eyebrow open!!) which I replaced with the Red Dot to try, it worked so great it stayed there!!!. I personally have never liked Bushnell products but many here do, just bad experiences for me in the past with their cheaper lines I guess, I hear they make a couple of nice variable shotgun scopes, get a good one if you do, perhaps the 3200 elite series. I have had great luck with Simmons Scopes and Red Dots and others here don't like them, the old Ford vs. Chevy argument I guess. By the way, I never liked Red Dots much until I tried them with an open mind, now I have a nice Millet 1" Red Dot on my .22 Mag coyote gun also, and so do 3 of my hunting buddies after trying mine!!! They all have the same $28.00, 30mm Simmons and not a complaint among us!!! (Wholesale Hunters Warehouse or something like that, if your interested let me know and I'll look it up for sure)....<><.... :grin:
(edit) Forgot to answer one of your questions....yes, use the H&R scope rail, either the standard or the Ultra rail, the Ultra rail is an inch longer at 6" and has a stabilizing screw in the front section. Use the H&R rails instead of the weaver since the H&R's have several cross slots cut into them which allow many variations of mounting location and they fit many more long and short scopes....