Author Topic: LIGHT 308 LOAD NEEDED  (Read 584 times)

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Offline tfaz

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« on: December 20, 2004, 04:51:49 AM »
I'm looking for a light (125-155 gr) load for C,P,T, in 308. I know that are better (lighter) cal's out there but for now this is what I have to work with.

Offline ajj

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« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2004, 06:47:21 AM »
I've loaded Sierra's Palma 155 and Nosler's less expensive copy of same to around 2200 fps in 30-30 and it works great to pigs. I haven't tried it on full-sized turkeys but I bet it would be fine. The recoil is very light and it should buck wind about as well as a .308 bullet that light is going to. H and IMR 4895 is supposed to be versatile with reduced loads. About 34 grains should do it.

Offline Gringo Grizzly

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« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2004, 03:01:59 AM »
Almost any.308 will shoot this load - and I'll be shooting one along with you for this season in standard rifle class.   I agree that the old .308 is no longer the ideal silhouette cartridge - but you probably won't miss any targets you would have nailed with a lighter caliber if you think about performance.

I'm betting that you'll be able to go up or down 1 grain of powder and that you'll be pleased with the results:

42.1 VV N140/150 SMK.  This is a good low-recoiling load that will take you through the turkeys if you have a good rifle.  It's also close to the recommended "accuracy load" found in the most recent Sierra manual.
From my 24" .308 it's running a little over 2500 fps.

I have two .308's that perform VERY well with this load.

For rams, I don't think there ARE any good loads for a .308 that don't kick a little, but one that comes about as close as possible is 44 gr IMR 4064/175 gr SMK.  

If the above CPT load bothers you, kick the charge up one grain and try a 135 grain Berger, which should be good through the Pigs.

If you're an experimenter and don't mind having to weigh each charge - you can try IMR SR4759 starting at about 24 grains over any .308 match bullets you have from 150 to 168 grains.  Some have had good luck with this approach - which simulates cast bullet performance.
