Author Topic: Deer #2  (Read 529 times)

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Offline iiibbb

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Deer #2
« on: December 28, 2004, 08:36:38 AM »
Well, my first huntiing season is now over with.  I've been out a grand total of 5 days.  Took one the first day, had 2 bad weather days where i saw them, but the fog was so thick you couldn't shoot at them, 1 day with none observed, and today I got a good sized doe with my muzzle loader.  I took both deer at the same place, and almost the same shot ~80 yrds.  The first was with a good scope on a .308, today it was with open sights.  Hit the right spot.  I was a little surprised it ran 30-40yrds before going down... thought I'd missed.  Doubly surprising that it didn't go down right away despite being hit with a 250 grain .50 cal.

Anyway... I'm glad I don't have to climb that hill again.

Offline greenjeans

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Deer #2
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2004, 02:54:52 PM »
Congratulations on both deer. You're hooked now. This is my third year (season ends the 1st) and I have two this year. Trying to get my son in law on now. He has only been three times.
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Offline iiibbb

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Deer #2
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2004, 03:28:09 PM »

I did it this year almost as a fluke.  A friend from work invited me and I suddenly started to look forward to it.  My dad is really excited about it.  He's not a hunter but most of the family he spent his summers in MI  growing up with were.  I don't know why he never tried it.

I am hooked (although dragging the deer a mile and a half leaves something to be desired).  Thank God for the wheel and carts that aren't locked up (I returned it).

I've always been a pretty decent shot, but it's a whole lot different shooting at an animal.  I'm glad I live somewhere where it seems to be a little easier to get one... some of the stories on here I've read people go a couple of years before they even see one.  I saw 9 today.  I've seen 15 in the 5 days I hunted.

My season also ends the first, but I've got to get back to my real job.  I've got no more room in my freezer.  This one was so I would be able to be a little more generous about handing out venison to friends and family.

Offline JPSaxMan

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Deer #2
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2004, 04:37:36 PM »
Yea, but that mile and a half drag just tenderizes the meat and makes it more worthwhile  :)  :-D . Congrats and more luck to you throughout your hunting career!  :D

Attorney: Now doctor, isn't it true that when a person dies in
his sleep, he doesn't know about it until the next morning?

Doctor: Did you actually pass the bar exam?

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