well It was part due to luck. The farm i hunt on is about 200 acres and it borders another farm close to 1700 acres and for the past several years we've been trying to get the other hunters in the area to start managing the deer better and passing on non mature bucks. a few years ago we started seeing bucks in the 125 class and this year i saw 2 other bucks one 8 about 140 and a ten about 150 this is just a guess not that good at field judging them but the were far better than we had seen there. We had placed several stands on the farm and i placed my tree lounge were i seen the bigger ten. i hunted there in oct during KY's muzzleloading season and took a doe and seen the 150 class buck but it was closing in on dark and the shot was not a sure shot so i passed hoping for a better chance the next day. Well I never saw it again the next day but with good hopes for the rifle season. opening day of rifle season the creek my st5and was on was flooded so i hunted another area to with no luck just a few smaller bucks and does. The second weekend the creek was still flooded and i again hunted another stand that i really did not like to much because it borders a farm that had allot of shooting the day before almost like the target practiced all day but my dad was in my other choice spot so i went there just to enjoy being out there at about 8 o'clock not seeing a deer yet I turned and seen this one walking out about 30 yards and closing. he was going to cross behind me so i turned to shoot on the other side of the tree. He heard me i guess and and ran down the hill to about 100 yards and stop in a thicket he walked into some tall grass. I think he thought he was still hid but his shoulders up were clear and i prefer a neck shot anyway so i took 1 shot to the neck and he dropped in his tracks. when i went to check on him i realized it was a buck i never seen till then. He weighed 232 lbs dressed and the rack didn't look as large as it was. So it was a little luck and several years of paysense and managing.