Gentlemen, When a young lad in grade school in the 50s, I can recall a few Weekly Readers (remember those?) which had news stories about the Scientific world wanting to clone farm animals from the most perfect specimens to ease the food shortages of the World. Even at that young age, I felt that creating clones would be"meddling in God's affairs." Maybe I'm over reacting, but I even feel a little guilty raising and eating my two favorite garden vegetables, Butternut squash and Early Anna tomatoes, because neither one are God's design, but hybrid by man. I first heard of plans to clone humans in the late sixties. Now, I certainly felt that would flat be a sin. I read an article about cloning humans in a Legion Magazine. The reason given for cloning, staggered my imagination. Organ transplanting was in it's infancy, and rejection was a real problem, resulting in "the vine dying on the fruit." Medical Scientists figured that they could take a fertilized egg from a donor, remove the genetic code, and replace it with the DNA from any human, and get a genetically identical being, that would be a cell for cell duplicate of the original. Now I will have to concede they can probably change the physical design, but would like to believe the Good Lord still has the say on the spiritual part of the resulting clone. Believing that, I could not understand how Scientists were willing to believe that the clone would have no rights whatsoever, but would exist for the sole purpose of being a shelf full of spare parts that would not be rejected, for the original !!! If the act of making a clone isn't a sin in gods eyes, taking one apart to extend the life of the original certainly HAS to be. Cowpox