Author Topic: Rem 700 C won't feed....need new spring or follower?  (Read 370 times)

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Offline Big Red

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Rem 700 C won't feed....need new spring or follower?
« on: December 27, 2004, 05:17:10 AM »
I bought a new Rem 700 Classic in 300 Savage.  It is, of course, a short action.  I have not shot it yet.  I cannot get it to feed reliably from the magazine.  It has a hinged floorplate for dumping unfired shells.  When I load 4 rounds (or 3 or 2) in the magazine they are a little hard to get in.  Then, when I cycle the action the first round won't pick up.  I move the bolt a few times and it finally catches and chambers it.  Same thing for the 2nd round, it takes a few tries.  The third round is at a 45 degree angle that it won't catch at all and the fourth is almost vertical along with the follower that's pointing almost vertical.  I called the factory and they agreed to send me a new magazine spring.  I'm waiting for it to arrive.  Its like the follower is not pushing the rounds up right.  Its either the follower or the spring.  I have other 700s and have never had a problem.  I'm using factory Rem 150 grain ammo.  Any thoughts/suggestions/experiences?  Thanks in advance.

Offline Iowegan

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Rem 700 C won't feed....need new spring or
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2004, 08:41:54 AM »
If you open the floor plate and look inside, you'll see (and feel) the sharp edges on the receiver's magazine port.  You can take the barreled action out of the stock, remove the bolt, remove the one screw that holds the magazine shroud, remove the shroud. You can use a fine cut file to break the sharp edge on the sides of the port (make them slightly rounded). These razor sharp edges bite into the brass and make it difficult for feeding and they scratch the brass badly.  Don't take off too much metal or the cases won't stay in. Reassemble the gun and it should feed fine.

Offline gunnut69

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Rem 700 C won't feed....need new spring or
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2004, 09:50:23 AM »
You do have the spring and follower installed correctly?  Below is a link to a parts blow up..  If the rounds are not coming up level there is certainly a follower/spring problem..  If they are level but not high enough in the magazine the lips are too close together or there are burrs holding the round down.  It pretty unusual for burrs to do this but spings and followers are a fairly common problem..
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