WHen I lived in the UP of michigan we would leave several bait piles made up of trapping scraps. At times we would sit 150 yards upwind and other times we would go 1/4-1/2 mile down wind and call. A lot of times when you have a bait like that you will have a group of coyotes sitting on the bait and fox, bobcat, and solo yotes will hang up down wind waiting for a chance to sneak in for a bite. They are generally hungry and will come right in to a call. I also used to call on a farm where hey would often dump any dead cattle or meat scraps from butchering out in one area of a back feild, it was also a tractor graveyard or sorts. I shot several predators while sitting in the cab of an old combine watching those carcasses. I've also had pretty good luck calling animals out of that same area, even when there were carcasses out. I guess a nice fresh, warm rabbit sounds tastier than some old half rotted beef bones.
If you have access to some meat scraps and a place to do it without stinking out the neighbors I say go for it. Find someplace where you can place the bait in the open but not far from good cover and have a good vantage point, one of the pop up tent blinds will help keep your movement from being seen and give you some wind protection. On a moon lit night you can sit all night and still see well enough to shoot all night, or a red light with intermittent sweeps works well too. Good luck.