i found something about the rifle colt made them during the civil war
it was a 56 cal. in the movie it looks like a single action revolving rifle
cause he cocks it for every shot.
if i'm not mistaken most weapons were of a rimfire cartridge.
anyway i like the one line bull has in the movie "gimme another one and i'll play marchin thru georgie"
The rifle you saw in the movie was a replica of the old Colt Cap & Ball revolveing rifle! It was not too successful, as it had a bad habit of jumping over to the chambers on either side of the one on the barrel, fireing three chambers at once. Think about it, your laft hand is in front of the cylinder, and the result of a triple fire is no fingers, or thumb on the left hand! :shock: Navy Arms imported a replica of this rifle, but based on the Cap & Ball Remington C&B pistol. They also imported one that was chambered for 357 Mag, or 45 Long Colt. They didn't go over too well either, for the same reason the origenals didn't. The cartridge version, which never existed in the old days, cut you arm all to heck with the cylinder blast . Neat Idea, but not well thought out, before there were a lot of one handed shooters! :lol: