I saw someone on FOX news talking about illegal immigrants and how measures need to be taken so these immigrants can work in the U.S., enjoy some of the benefits of U.S. citizenship but not all of them, and not feel as if they are "second class" because........................... there are some jobs that Americans simply will NOT do.
Now that rocked my world! Does that mean American citizens are so spoiled, so high and mighty, and so arrogant that menial tasks are beneath their dignity? ................ And then I began to think about some of the people I know, and came to the conclusion that there really is an undercurrent of arrogance within our society. For example...
I know a man who lives off his relatives mostly but will take odd jobs from time to time. However, he refuses to work for less than $10 per hour. This man could be completely without any money but will refuse any job if it pays less than $10 per hour yet this man will go eat at the soup kitchen.
I know another man living on Social Security Disability... a little over $500 per month. He will not do any work for less than $20 per hour, and that must be paid under the table so there is no record of it that could endanger his "dole".
I know a woman who thinks occasionally sweeping and mopping a floor as part of her job is "demeaning" (her word!) and being asked to do it is an affront to her dignity.
I also know a man (me) who sweeps and mops the floors in his home, vacuums the carpeting, washes the windows/mirrors/walls, cleans the bathroom, changes the kitty litter, takes out the garbage, washes dishes, mows the lawn, and sundry other "menial" tasks of everyday life who is now astonished that by doing all this stuff he has allowed his dignity to be insulted......... my, my, how the neighbors must consider him to be a subhuman low life "menial worker"!
What in the world has happened to this country? Menial work is beneath the dignity of the American citizen so, since the work still has to be done, America will allow immigration of a whole new set of and whole new slant on...... slaves?
Yep, I said "slaves" because, illegal immigrants or even legal ones, allowed into this country for the express purpose of inhabiting a lower societal level... that of "menial worker"... is encouraging a form of slavery. Remember that slaves were considered "less than" and not "equal to" the elite who were too good to do those menial tasks. I'm talking about societal attitudes now... not if those "menial workers" get paid to be looked down on by Americans too good to engage in menial work. Being paid (and rest assurred it will be very low pay indeed!) isn't the issue... encouraging an attitude of elitism within our society is the issue.
I hope I've managed to express what I'm trying to say... I'm disturbed that our society has sunk to where it has to import people to inhabit a lower class in order to foster the arrogant idea that there is an upper class. I'm really intensely disturbed that this arrogant idea is so wide spread that is is being taken as a truth... that Americans are entitled to have lesser people do their dirty work... and it is being said bald faced on national news as if it were simply a fact.
I can't help it. If a person comes to this country to work and continue working on a regular basis then they should be required to become a citizen... or get a job in their home country and leave the job here open for a citizen. And if they do become a citizen of the United States of America.. then become one in speech, attitudes, loyalties, and perspective.... or go back to where they came from and stay there. But once a citizen these people are entitled to all the rights, the benefits, and the responsibilities! of those born into that citizenship.