Kevtn: The first Tracker II I owned, I traded a Mossberg 500 pump full rifled slug gun for. This was about the first year NEF put out a rifled slug gun out, with Rem. solid coppers I took don't know how many deer. At the time I worked at a local gunshop mounting scopes and repairing everything under the sun. Honestly it was fairly easy to mount a scope, with access to a B-Square scope mount drilling jig and taking care to measure wall thickness. I fell victim to the grass is greener syndrome, selling it I bouhgt an 1100 with a cantilever, rifled barrel, it didn't shoot as well as the Tracker and like the Mossberg carried like a 4X4. Enter Tracker No. 2, painted sky blue and gray an attempt at camouflage. Well it shot every bit as well the first one, kicked just as hard, and carried as well. Yes, recoil can be a major one concern, but can be dealt with, to me a slug gun is a 100 yd. weapon, (personal opinion, I realize that many are having success at longer ranges) but shoot I enjoy hunting up close and personnel. This in mind I use mostly 2 3/4" shells, Brenneke 1 oz. KO's or the KO saboted work well, shoot same P.O.I. at 50 yds. while the sabots shoot about 2" higher @ 100. Yea!! guess I'm pretty well sold out on Handi's and Pardeners, if you think it takes more than one shot, I think you aught to practice a little more. Looks Like A New Signature:
:-D <>< Duce: