Hey Mainer-
Good choice in caliber for your intended uses. I do not have the stainless .243 barrel, but I believe it is a regular contour. However, H&R's regular barrels are still heavier than most other manufacturer's regular/standard barrels. I know there are members here with the SS .243, hopefully they will confirm this and let you know how various loads shoot. If you get it, think about filling the hollow buttstock with expanding foam or if desired, a hevier fill of poly bondo. This will remove the hollow sound of the stock, better balnce the weight of the gun and reduce recoil. Oh yah, if done, place a piece of pvc/copper water pipe down the center before filling to leave a channel for removing the buttstock bolt. I know my 243 H&R shoots great, have fun with it. Antelope hunting would be a blast. Long stalks and shots. BuzzKill