They wrote the law here "open" in some regards so that kids and relatives could use equipment with the ID number of the owner or the user of the trap. What this did though was open things up so much now that you can still "own" the trap and have your ID on it, i.e. a driver's license #, a state issued ID number, etc. but someone else can use it because it is tagged legally. They may not have your permission, but as Wacky stated, how many have ever been prosecuted solely on the tagging laws?
Only benefit I've found with this so far is for my land owners only...if they encounter a trap or snare, and it has my tag, they know its me and they know they gave me permission to set there. Any other trap or snare they come across with a different obviously not mine. Here that would fall back to the trespassing laws and it would be up to the landowner to pursue those, and most don't really want to go to those lengths and hoops to get it accomplished correctly.
I lost two traps this year, one was a #110 and was obviously lost to a human as the stake was laying up on the bank with two chain links still wired to the stake and the third cut with something like pliers. The other was a #110 and looked like a beaver got the stake loose and gosh knows where that one will end up. Both are tagged with my info. I worry more about the human-stolen one as I roll my tags tightly around the chain loop on those #110s. Once I dyed them the tag isn't so readily obvious. I start to wonder then if a CO found the trap but didn't see the inconspicuous tag...or if it was just some slob who also probably didn't see it and is now using it or selling it...along with my info. Once its out there...its out matter how private the land is. And, I truly question the value of this law myself.