I found the Mortar I want to make. It's at the very bottom of the link.
http://www.geocities.com/mikefinch24060/artillery/artillery.htmlI really like the looks of this Mortar. I think the cap for lighting it is nice touch.
Here’s were I stand.
I will be making this Mortar myself. Machinist by trade I have a vast array of machines at my disposal. So the labor is not an issue.
The material for the cannon its self can be made out of what? What are my metal choices? Would mild steel work with this?
The carriage will be 3/4" plate steel. I really don’t want to mess with wood.
I’ve got an idea how to make everything just need little help along is all :grin:
This will be a work in progress (winter project) Ill try to post pics as it comes together if you all like?
Just to let you all know I’ve been reading this forum for well over a year and can’t stand it anymore I have to make me a cannon.
Thanks Warf