My sincerest condolences!
Both Noo Joicy and the People's Republic of Taxachussetts are as ani-gun, if not worse than Kalifornia (PRK).
For starters, you will be required to register your handguns and semi-automatic rifles with the proper state authorities. Failure to do so may result in a nightmare. An acquaintance of mine moved from AZ to MA a few years ago and never bothered to register any of his guns. One night, he and his wife had a loud argument. The neighbors called the cops, the cops went inside the house, saw one of his handuguns, he was arrested and is now a convicted felon. Makes your blood boil, doesn't it? BEWARE.
If I remember correctly, MA and NJ, Like Kalifornia, ban anyone from taking a semi-auto "assault rifle" into the state. You might want to put some of your politically incorrect toys into a secured storage area in Utah or Arizona (there are a couple of places in Phoenix) and take with you the bare essentials.
Have you considered changing jobs or relocating to a non-hostile state?