Lessons learned for starting with Lee products: The dies seem like a good buy and work well. The lock rings supplied suck and don't work well unless you are very careful. Replace them with RCBS, Lyman, Redding, Hornady, etc, lock rings and the bargain goes south. I had a Lee challenger press. It broke after 15 years of use. I know Lee would have replaced the broken part free but I bought a Lyman Crusher II press. The good Lyman, RCBS, Redding, and Hornady cast iron presses have better leverage and strength than the Lee challenger press. Lee now has a cast iron press and it may well be worth a look. The press is the heart of metallic cartridge reloading so my suggestion is to invest there now and save $$$ by not upgrading later. Buying used dies is probably money saved as long as they are not scratched or otherwise damaged.