To Volshooter: I understand your point better now as well... However, as it was explained to me, there had been some problems with someone shooting over the backdrop, which, depending on direction, goes in the direction of the interstate, or houses and the ball park... I believe the agreement reached with the insurance provider was more for a "hypothetical" forensic situation than anything else... I.E., if a round WAS to strike a care or God forbid be found on the little league area, they (the insurance company) wanted some sort of assurance that they could trace it back to the offender.... Overkill, yes, perhaps, but we were so in danger of loosing this range, which over the years has literally become right on the edge of the town, that everyone involved felt incline to go along.... Personally, I really don't mind. However, I was not at all of the meetings so I really don't know how much opposition there was if any... Great range though, and all the awful mess we had is gone now... and it's a great place to shoot again... Dave