UPDATE.... Well, I took three scale model cannon (two one inch bore and one .75 Cal.) plus a mortar, 35 m/m film can size projectile to the gun show hoping to generate some interest and conversation. I have learned that the general public is interested in, mainly, one thing. The most common question was, "How far will it shoot". The military guys all asked, "what is the effective range". And, I answered them to the best of my ability and seemed to satisfy each asking those questions. There seems to be more and more interest in shootable cannon/mortars around my area. No one seemed to be really interested in buying one and I really didn't care to part with any of them. The most amusing thing was that the fellow who shared one of my tables with is a retired gunsmith instructor at the local college and had a wealth of information about cannon and building them. I really learned a lot from him and he has offered to help me with my projects since he has the lathe and necessary metal working equipment. So, I really lucked out on this one. Next, I'll try Albuquerque on the first weekend of March. I know there are some BIG bore blackpowder shooters down in that area. :wink: