Author Topic: hey I just let go my first bobcat  (Read 499 times)

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Offline sid nelson

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hey I just let go my first bobcat
« on: February 12, 2003, 02:12:49 PM »
i now have caught gray fox yotes and a cat with in 100yds of one another
I let the cat go cause season in MO. ended for cat Jan. 20th but yotes go until feb.20  it was a front right foot catch in a #3 bridger offset the #3 have not let me down but wow are those cats mean my wife helped me get him out at first the idea of throwing my jacket over him and holding him down sounded good but i've never seen anything snap, snarl, and paw like that before. So I went with the idea that worked on the grey fox which was pin him down with a large stick but that still wasn't going to work then all of a sudden he burried himself in a pile of leaves and sticks so I had my wife hold a large tree branch in front of him so i could get the trap off. It worked i don't know how but then he wouldn't leave i poked him repeately with a stick and he still wouldn't leave. My wife kept saying he 's going to come after you and i'm leaving and i guess i'll know when the bobcat leaves is when i hear you scream. Good luck. So i poked him one more time he snarled and swatted at me and oh yeah maybe she's right so we both left.

Is there any way to kill something in a trap if it's hurt bad enough and out of season? just thought you guys would like to know, any ideas suggestions or comments would be welcome.

Mo trapper, thanks

Offline Wackyquacker

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hey I just let go my first bobcat
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2003, 04:34:31 PM »
On out of season catches, check your state regs.  In NM we need to call Game and FIsh they will tend to the injured critter.  If you fashion up a catch pole letting them go isn't a chore.  I find when I choke them down they calm fast.  I always think If about killed them and release the tension.  And yes, most often the release critter sits ther and growls etc I usually reset the trap and the dang thing is still there snarling and such.  Wait till you get a lion in a trap...a 4X8 sheet of pylwood with a slot and hole is in and games!

Offline RdFx

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« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2003, 01:03:18 AM »
:eek: Boy you take some chances LOL.  Using a catch and release pole is a VERY good idea.  WIth cats be very careful as they die quickly when noosed around the neck.  SO  if using a catch pole u usually can take them out of trap  after they go down but then take noose off quickly so they can breathe  again.  If close to vehicle a piece of plywood with notch for trap and leg so you can release animal safely without getting ripped to shreds or bitten.   THose cats are fiesty.  We dont have alot of cats here in northern WISC. and usually wait 5 to 7 yrs for a permit to take ONE , LOL.