Author Topic: Any one shooting the 25WSSM ?  (Read 1016 times)

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Offline Harry Snippe

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Any one shooting the 25WSSM ?
« on: January 31, 2005, 06:06:51 AM »
One of the smiths at the gun shop was putting togeter a 25WSSM for his bother-in -law. Got looking as he was preparing the winchester rifle for a scope and naturally got talking about the cartridge . I am amased how such a little package gives the punch of the 2506. But it does.

I thought -257 roberts - good mild recoiling deer  round, but I am told that this little round( 25 WSSM) loaded with the Barnes bullet is up to taking Moose.Apparently it opens up and travels two to three feet inside and does a good job.This comes from one that shot a bull last year.
Well a light rifle in a very short action?? Why carry a ten pound big bore?
Has any one worked with this round?

Offline Lawdog

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Any one shooting the 25WSSM ?
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2005, 10:28:07 AM »
Harry Snippe,

My new daughter in-law used one last year for Mule Deer and Wild Boar.  Very economical.  Three 100 gr. Barnes TSX bullets and two Mule Deer bucks and one 200 lb. Wild Boar.  After getting to shoot it a few times I just sent off my order for a M70 Coyote in .25 WSSM.  On back order.  Could have had one in a Browning A-Bolt but I don’t care for the light weight, shorter barrels.  Lawdog
Gary aka Lawdog is now deceased. He passed away on Jan. 12, 2006. RIP Lawdog. We miss you.

Offline northern hunter

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« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2005, 03:14:29 PM »
:D Hi there,Harry.It was I that you were talking to at Epps.
The rifle is a Winchester model 70 classic ultimate shadow stainless.I put Leupold stainless base and rings and a Leupold VX 111 2 1/2 X 8x 36 stainless scope on it.The rifle is for me,I will used it for deer this year,and my daughter will use it for moose.I will use handloads in it,Barnes 115 gr tsx,and 110 Nosler interbonds.The cartridge will  handle moose and bear and deer and if it comes close to the 2506 velocities as published then it will be a great little rifle.
I have used the Barnes xlc and x's in 25 cal for 3 moose,5 deer and 1 bear and have never been disappointed they just do there job,penetration is the name.
Now I just have to find some reloading info and away we go.
Frank S.