I finally got the shell holders I needed to prime some 25 brass. I used cci pistol primers since I had a brick of them for my pistol loading. Anyway I got it out today and went to the range. It was a balmy 33 here so a greatday for it. I was using ffg 777 loose 90 grains with 250 grain shockwaves and hornady sst which by the way are the exact same bullets as shock wavs are made by hornady. Anyway I noticed toghter groups at 50 and 1200 yards at 50 all 5 were touching and at 100 about 1.5 inch group of 4. I could shoot at least 4 times without having to clean the crud ring, which is far better than the after every shot I used to have to do. I also tried some american pioneer with poor results all the way around. Since I am not worried aboout swabbing a barrel at the range, I am very happy. Being able to shoot 4 times without swabbing is awesome for a day of hunting for me. So, I guess the conversion gets a thumbs up from me.