Hi all,
Well, Im more of a pistol guy. But, I do have a .30-30 336 that was handed down to me buy my father, who was given it by his dad. I do not know the date it was made, I think it was 1972. Does that sound right? Was that model made then? Sorry, Im real new to this.
Any-how I will say it is kinda beat up, stock is about 90% and blue is about 70%. So, I keep it clean and out of the rain. I have not shot it much in years. I took it out today and I put a little 4x zoom scoope on it, sighted it up and did a little shooting at 50, 75 and 100 yards. The bll is super clean like glass, so it shot better then it looked. I have to say it shot great, I was not thinking it would. But, I was hitting bulls eye after bulls-eye off a bench at 100 yards. I think I found a new yote gun. :-)
I could use a better scoope and the gun could look better. But, I have to say, that it kinda has a little bit of style looking rustick. Plus 4x zoom is good anuff for me, I do not think I will push it past 100 yards.