Some things that worked for me:
1. Read your reading assignments outloud. Hearing it will help with retention and reduce "glazing" over the pages reading by not retaining anything. Reading outloud requires more work hense more retention for some people.
2. Study outside when possible.
3. Remember, you attention span isn't 2 hours... so study for 30 minutes then take a 5 to 10 minute break, then get back at the books.
4. Find ways that you remember things. I'm very visual (nearly a photo graphic memory) so by looking at the pages of my text books long enough I'd have the page memorized and could reread the pages during the test. However, if you tell me your name, I hear it only, I'll forgot it in 5 minutes... If you write it down and I look at if for a minute or two, I'll remember it for a very long time. So determine how your mind remembers best, visual, audio, etc and try to study so you put the information in your head so you can get it back out. In my case I had to write everything down and look at it...
5. Set goals. Not goals you know you can achive but goals that will drive you to do better. I floated along with b's and c's for the first two years of high school. My junior year I decided I wanted straight A's. My senior year I tutored our class valedictorian (I never learned how to spelll....
) in Physics class, yet my cumulative grade point average wasn't high enough for me to finish in the top 15% in my class... If I would have pushed myself the first two years of highschool like I did the last two I could probably of had my college paid for by scholarships... Live and learn...
6. Get plenty of sleep.
7. Take a few minutes for every assignment and check if for mistakes you didn't mean to make. Little mistakes, uncorrected, add up over time and pull down your scores.
8. Make it fun. For my case that was making it into a challenge. Not to learn all I could learn, but to do better than anyone else. Starting by learning how I learned best and did that to be the best.
Just like sports, find your strengths, capitolize on your strength to get ahead. Same with learning, find your strengths, use them, and then you'll excell.