I am only personally aware of 1 truely accidental discharge. It was in Canada and it was some wierd pressure on the holster and then got smacked in a wierd way. I don't have a link.
The Glock Revised Safety Rules
(1) Keep your finger off the trigger.
(2) Keep your GD finger off the trigger.
(3) Keep your finger off the GD trigger.
(4) Keep your GD finger off the GD trigger.
The manual safety for a Glock is a quality holster. Glocks demand trigger discipline. It was my first gun so I've not had problems adjusting. I can see why 1911 types don't like Glocks. It's a slightly different way of thinking.
The mag-release can not be switched; however, I am a lefty and I swear it's no big deal. You might consider an extended slide stop lever... but I actually think it's better hitting the mag release with your trigger finger or middle finger. Righties sometimes complain that the mag release button is countered by the gripping force of your palm... you'll see when you hold it. I think you'll be fine with the way it is.
The trigger combo's I've seen most people use
-3.5 connector and stock trigger spring ($15).
-3.5 connector and NY1 trigger spring ($15+$5)
If you reload, your bigger concern about the Glock is a k-boom. 40SW has a rep, although I think some of it is overblown. Considering the number of Glocks out there, I am personally skeptical that there is significantly more examples of this problem.
If you are intent on freaking yourself out... try this website
http://www.thegunzone.com/glock/glock-kb-faq.htmlthen to calm yourself down read
http://www.glocktalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=283479Again... Glock say don't use reloads, so I think this problem is overstated.