Congratulations on your [we all know it will only be the] 1st Pardner purchase! :lol:
MSP Ret is correct, the use of plastic is not important to the function of the gun.
You will find the triggerguard is not fragile, I expect that it would only break if you dropped it directly on concrete, and even then, it might not. Certainly not the way a pot-metal guard would.
Many of us have been taking these guns out in the field for years, with no problems with the plastic.
The bushing on the forearm does not seem to wear, as it only holds the bbl in place on the hinge pin when the action is open. I use 3 different bbls on my Tracker II slug gun: the Tracker II 12ga rifled bore bbl, a 28" mod 12ga, and a 32" full choke for trap.
In the past 2 years I'm guessing that I've put about 900-1400 rounds through the gun using the same fore end......this includes 100-150 rounds a week during Eastern Daylight time at the trap range....slug sight in and work-up, and rounds fired while hunting squirrel and deer. ....The fore end bushing carries no weight, and is easliy replaced if needed.....
Just walk into any number of local gun shops, and look at the used rack....chances are you will see at least one if not more older H&R or NEF standing there with plastic trigger guard and fore end bushing.....25-30 years old or older, and still working and looking just fine! :grin: