As to the house numbers not being posted, or not current, that I can understand. I'm one of them people that don't put address numbers out in front of my home. Never have and probably never will.
If anyone has business here, they know me and where I live, if they have business here and don't know me, I'm listed in the phone book and, if I belive there business is valid, can give them directions here. I pick up my mail in town at the post office, the UPS driver knows me, the gas delivery man I went to school with, and years ago, I dated the electric co's meter maid. I can't think of anyone else that would have business here that couldn't call first.
Strangers or anyone I don't recognisee right off get met at the door with a gun in my hand, usually behind my back but not always.
I believe that most people are basically good and honest, but some ain't and if I don't know them, I don't like to put temptation in their path.
Greeenriver(I didn't get to be this old and grouchy by being careless)
PS: Anyone can rent, steal,or come up with a uniform from about any business, and a sticker on the door is easy to make up. Showing up in uniform with a company car don't prove anything, call here first.