Well, I'm sure that some of the reasons semi autos are not more popular out west is cause: there is more wide open, fewer repair shops, bolts r less likely to fail, more re-loading due to more shooting opportunities, etc.
The main reason I got the BAR is my son shoots L.H. and it's a bummer trying to get a bolt in l.h. (.308) plus I've never owned a semi centerfire.
The BAR will be my # 1 rifle for a while, till my son is legal hunting age. He loves shooting it.
I've only ever shot one other BAR . It was a 7mm mag. w/o the boss. I was not impressed with 2 1/2" groups at best. My boss sold me his Model 29 S&W 44 mag. to buy that 7mm BAR. We shot it at my range. Of course it was brand new shooting factory ammo so I'd say it could have turned out to be a shooter, I don't know cause he moved.