I am definately with the DEC on this one. I do not trust the Assembly, I do not trust Assembly demigods and do not trust demicraps in particular. They have no good intention in mind. They have no intent to keep the hunter and sportsman informed on pending legislation. Their sole purpose for obtaining personal information from hunting license applications is to attempt to further restrict the sportsman's use fo the outdoors.
Assmembly demigods are lyin', stinkin', cheatin', slimy flippin' communists who deserve to be lined up against a wall for their efforts at trying to both limit and then eliminate sporting activities in NYS.
Thankfully, Ms. Erin Crotty, the former DEC Commissioner was on the side of NYS sportsmen. Her replacement is the same. And if they can stall the Assembly dumbocreeps for 16 months, we owe them a vote of thanks. We also need to find out how they have used the demigod techinque and strategy of delaying tactics for our good so we can use them again against the dumbos. JMHO. Mikey.