Yah, I know what ya mean. IMHO, it's just real tough to beat a 12 ga slug inside of 100 yrds. Wicked deadly. :twisted:
In fact, my brother and I took our 12 gauges with us on a Canadian black bear hunt last year. We were hunting over bait that was always between 50 to 80 yrds.
More than a couple guys in camp had 300 WSMs and the rest were 30-06s. Bear killing rounds to be sure, but we just kinda looked at each other and scratched our heads :? :? We're talking inside 100 yrds here.
Needless to say, the slugs performed flawlessly. We're forced to use a shotgun here in Michigan, but ever since sabots and fully rifled barrels came to be, I've never viewed it as a limitation.
One thing to consider, you mentioned that most of your shots are within 30 yrds. Though you're using fine optics, I've found that lower power is real nice. I always leave my slug gun set at 1.5. If need be, I can go up to 4.5 for those 100 yrd pokes, but that's all I've ever wanted on a slugger.