Author Topic: T/C Patriot Colonial Pistol Kit .45 cal.  (Read 3001 times)

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Offline Real Bow

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T/C Patriot Colonial Pistol Kit .45 cal.
« on: January 18, 2003, 10:30:55 AM »
I just won this on a gun auction site for $101,

Brand New In Box Thompson Center Patriot Colonial Pistol Kit ,45cal. ,cap lock ,1976 bicenntenial issue.

Did I do okay?

Also, I searched old threads on another BP forum, and some fella had problems with the stock breaking near the rear of the lock plate, anyone who owns a Patriot have this problem?

If it must be good!

Offline Jack Crevalle

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T/C Patriot Colonial Pistol Kit .45 cal.
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2003, 03:16:34 PM »
My 1976 Shooter's bible lists this weapon for $125. Factor in double digit Jimmy Carter inflation, etc. and I'd say you did extremely well.

Offline Virginia Yank

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T/C Patriot Colonial Pistol Kit .45 cal.
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2003, 09:05:34 AM »
You did real well for $101 if it is in good shape.  Stock breakage is a problem with these pistols.  If you take the barrel, sidelock, and trigger assembly out you'll notice with all the inletting there isn't much wood there.  Bought mine in 1980 and noticed a crack several years ago.  Wrote to TC and, due to a fire, they aren't manuacturing the Patriot any longer and can't replace the stock.  However, the did offer to return the orginal purchase price ($154) in return for the gun.  It's is too good a shooter to give back.  So used a couple of brass woodscrews to strengthen the stock.  Not pretty but it works.  Someday I'll get some time to do a custom replacement stock for it.
Virginia Yank

Offline Chris

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T/C Patriot Colonial Pistol Kit .45 cal.
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2003, 10:46:39 AM »

Real Bow:

What luck...$101!!!  I'd gladly give twice that for a kit, if I could find one.  There are still used guns out there for sale...but from my perspective, finishing the gun is the way to go.

Anyway...I'm the guy with two Patriots that both broke behind the lock.  The wood on both guns (the kit I finished and the factory finished gun) are beautiful, but both gave way after a while...and I never put any more than 15-20g of 3F in either gun.  And I was very careful not to put too much pressure on the gun/stock when loading.  Virgina Yank is right...the fire at TC destroyed the tooling and most of the spare parts.  They offered me the same deal on a trade.

I have yet to find a stock anywhere...and I've asked around.  When your stock goes (and it will if you use it) you can always dowel the stock back together.  Seems like there should be something one could do to prevent this from happening though...but there is not much to work with behind the lock.  I dowled my kit gun back together and it is back in action...and it is still a tack-driver.

Good luck with your kit...let us know how it finishes out.

Be Safe!   ...Chris :D

P.S.  There is a Cap and Ball Revolvers & Pistols forum out there too...
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Online Graybeard

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T/C Patriot Colonial Pistol Kit .45 cal.
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2003, 12:10:38 PM »
I'll bet Boyd Bros. or one of the other stock making outfits could make you a stock from laminated wood that would have enough strength to not break. If you really like the guns this might be something worth considering.


Bill aka the Graybeard
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Offline Chris

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T/C Patriot Colonial Pistol Kit .45 cal.
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2003, 01:21:19 PM »

Thanks for the tip GB...I just e-mailed Boyd Bros.  Who knows, maybe there is enough demand out there to tool-up for this part.

Thanks again!   ...Chris :D
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Offline MAINER1234

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« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2003, 12:41:56 AM »
Gunstocks Inc.
 3120 Post Ave.
 Bedford, Iowa  50833

Offline Thal

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T/C Patriot Colonial Pistol Kit .45 cal.
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2003, 06:36:11 PM »
Glad I bumped into this group. I will be getting my Patriot in a week. Looking forward to punching holes with it. Did not know, though, that the stock was going to give me fits. Would glass bedding help strengthen it ?

Offline Chris

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T/C Patriot Colonial Pistol Kit .45 cal.
« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2003, 04:49:15 PM »

Glass bedding...don't know? :roll:

Someone left a good tip the other day about this problem.  In essence, I believe he recommended that you hold the pistol in your hand while tamping the ball into it's final postion...instead of leaving it in the loading stand where the stock could take the brunt of the shock.  Sounded like a good idea...just make sure the ball is seated properly each time. Wish I had thought of that before I broke TWO stocks...Grrr!

Have a great time with your Patriot and...

Be Safe!    ...Chris   :D
"An intellectual is a man who doesn't know how to park a bike!" Spiro Agnew

Offline Thal

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T/C Patriot Colonial Pistol Kit .45 cal.
« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2003, 01:56:27 AM »
    Thank you for your reply.
    Since reading this thread on the Patriot, I have been thinking about drilling a hole down through the handle and either using threaded rod with nuts and washers then tighten down to add strength hopefully to the top part of the handle, or put a dowel down through that hole plus glass bedding, then bed the top of the stock.
    In my case, based on what I know right now, I have an old gun that has never been fired. So needless to say, after your post, I am quite interested in preventing the break.  
    I shoot Hodgden Triple Se7en. Right now I only have 2f. Do I really need to go to 3f. And if so, you said you were shooting 15-20 grains of powder. Would 15 be your recommended first choice ?
    Thanks again


Offline Chris

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T/C Patriot Colonial Pistol Kit .45 cal.
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2003, 05:28:03 AM »

I run 15g of 3F through my .45 Patriot.  With a lubed patch and a.440 seems to be the most accurate load for my pistol.  I didn't see any appreciable difference in accuracy boosting the load, so I settled in on the 15g.  I also didn't see the point in punishing the pistol or the operator with a heavier load.  BTW, most of my target shooting is only out to 25yds.  

Most of what I have seen/read out there says you should use 3F up to .45 and 2F in larger calibers.  I have stuck with that through the years and it works fine for me.

Let us know how you like your new pistol!

Be Safe!   ...Chris   :D
"An intellectual is a man who doesn't know how to park a bike!" Spiro Agnew

Offline Thal

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T/C Patriot Colonial Pistol Kit .45 cal.
« Reply #11 on: February 08, 2003, 11:34:21 AM »
Well Folks !!!
    I received the Patriot yesterday.  I am elated. Looks real good, I love it !

    I have a major problem though.  Do I turn it into a shooter or not ?

    I got the Patriot as a result of a recent auction on Ebay. While discussing the various points and attributes of the pistol, I asked the seller multiple times if there was any reason why I could not turn the Patriot into a shooter. His comment was, should shoot just fine. Just go slow on the loads.
    Now if I remember back to the description that he put out on the pistol, he stated that it might possibly be a Prototype. And that Warren Center of TC, had given the pistol to David Moreton, the late outdoor writer.  Ok, that's the story about the gun.
    While showing the Patriot to LOML, she made the observation that is was a beautiful gun, perhaps if the story is true above, it might be better as a collectable than as a target gun. After looking further at the gun, I realized there were no markings on the gun of any type. No serial number, no TC logo,  nothing.  And like the seller said, it also does not have that front brass piece on the stock.
    My question to all you Patriot owners is, are there markings on your pistols that clearly declare the pistol a Patriot from Thompson Center and that it is a 45 caliber ?????
    So the next words out of my mouth to LOML were, if I turn it into a collectable, then I don't have a pistol to shoot at the Blackpowder club shoots !! Wah Wah !   She comes back at me with "I guess you are going to have to go shopping for another one.  And I'll bet you're really going to feel bad about getting another gun aren't you ??
    Now, you have to know. LOML and I have been together for 34+ years. She knows me like the back of her hand. So suffice it to say, you would have had to have been there to hear her make the above statement. You would have probably dropped your jaw on the floor.
    So, I am looking two fold for comments from everyone. 1. What do you think. Collectable or Shooter ?  2. If Collectable, can someone recommend a good target Percussion Pistol that I can do well with at the club shoots.
    Looking forward to your comments.


Offline Chris

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T/C Patriot Colonial Pistol Kit .45 cal.
« Reply #12 on: February 08, 2003, 01:10:40 PM »

Wierd? :roll:

ALL of my TC Partiots are clearly marked with TC's logo, caliber and serial number...and so have all of the others I've seen.  Maybe you've got a prototype, but you may have a knock-off...and there are a few out there that resemble TC's Patriot.  Take a look at this pistol that someone is trying to sell...does it look like yours?

I'd find out more about this gun BEFORE I touched it off.  Seems wierd to me that a firearms manufacturer would let a prototype go, especially in the litigiuos environment we live in today...stranger things could happen though I guess.   :?

 Who knows...maybe you've got a collectors item.  If so, I would NOT shoot it. Better to lock it up and find out what you have first.  In the meantime, look for another can't go wrong with its accuracy.  Heck, it's only money!   :)  

Once you find the right load for becomes all operator from then on.

Be Safe!   ...Chris   :D
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Offline mamaflinter

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T/C Patriot Colonial Pistol Kit .45 cal.
« Reply #13 on: March 30, 2003, 05:30:16 AM »
Thal I have a Patriot in .45 Here is what is on the barrel of mine. Serial number 355** (5 digit number) Thompson/Center Arms Rochester, New Hampshire .45 caliber

Since yours lacks any markings I am thinking it's a prototype. Also with the history of your pistol directly linking to Warren Center, I believe I'd keep it as a collectible and find something else to shoot at the club shootings.

BTW, you did extremely well in the price of your pistol. I think I got mine for $125. It was scheduled to hit the auction and I happened to call a gunshop owner for something and asked him what all new stuff he was putting on the auction. He told me about this pistol and I had first refusal.

I can tell you that you will find all kinds of .45s but have yet to see one available (although they were made) in .36.