Author Topic: Remington triggers unsafe ?  (Read 2582 times)

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Offline JPSaxMan

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Remington triggers unsafe ?
« Reply #30 on: March 10, 2005, 10:21:24 AM »

I never had a problem with Remington products. I've called the CS line several times however to inquire about the products (one time I wanted to know the measurment of the swivel stud on my 700, another time I wanted to know if I could get the new j-lock saftey put on my 870, the other time was about the Remington clay birds). So, I have dealt with these people. I was always polite and courteous, but I never had to send anything out to them or whatever.

I hope that answers your question.  :D

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Offline IowaBuckHunter

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Remington triggers unsafe ?
« Reply #31 on: March 10, 2005, 10:50:02 AM »
there is nothing wrong with remington safeties.  Sure, there might be a bad batch, or a few bad ones here and there.  But that happens all the time with ANY brand of gun, on ANY particular part.  Sometimes there is just defects, and they are not found until the gun is used.  For example, Knight revolution muzzleloaders had a recall on thousands of their rifles becuase of bad firing pins.  that is why they were delayed on hitting the shelf off the bat.  that does not make them bad guns.  

For those of you who are that concerned with the safeties on the remingtons, maybe you shouldnt own a gun becuase it can happen to any brand.

Also lawdog, there is nothing else wrong with remingtons.  your only beef with them is because you are a savage fan even though they are UGLIER, sloppier, and are not as reliable.  They do shoot good though, I will give them that.  But I guaruntee they wont outshoot my remington 204!

The only thing that I can think of as far as bad customer service goes is becuase remingtons dont have problems, so they probably only have like 2 people running the customer service.  So if you call, they are probably busy talking to customers about new products or something.

remingtons are the best guns for the money- quality, shoot GREAT, and look even better.

The only way i would shoot a savage is if I put on a remington stock, remington bolt, and a remington trigger (throw the accutrigger in the garbage by the way) and then maybe I would shoot it.  But it still wouldnt outsoot my remington 204...
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Offline Lawdog

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Remington triggers unsafe ?
« Reply #32 on: March 10, 2005, 11:18:04 AM »

Also lawdog, there is nothing else wrong with remingtons. your only beef with them is because you are a savage fan even though they are UGLIER, sloppier, and are not as reliable.

I didn't purchase my M10 Savage until LAST YEAR.  My troubles with Remington started it the late 1980's and continued into the 1990's.  Everything I have posted about Remington has happened to many others.  It is nothing new.

remingtons are the best guns for the money- quality, shoot GREAT, and look even better.

That used to be true but not any more.  Now they are just pretty.  Lawdog
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Offline dukkillr

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Remington triggers unsafe ?
« Reply #33 on: March 10, 2005, 11:26:21 AM »
a)  i don't own any savages
b)  i had the same trigger problem dozens of other people have reported
c)  i don't dislike remmington the company
d)  i don't understand why so many people will defend remmington when they weren't there and didn't see the gun.  Maybe, just maybe, some of us are telling the truth and have no hidden motives.

Offline jvs

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Remington triggers unsafe ?
« Reply #34 on: March 10, 2005, 11:47:36 AM »
Remington may have more of a Quality Control problem than a Customer Service problem.  You can't blame the Customer Service Department for manufacturing.  A circumstance that is not unique to Remington by the way.

I recently heard of a new 700BDL that got through with the bore out of center.  The breech end was as ok but the muzzle end was a full 3/32 out of center.   It is Customer Service who has to deal with the irate owner of that rifle.

That doesn't mean a thousand got through, but 10 or 100 could have, and maybe only one.  And it just so happens that one fell into the hands of a Remington critic and a Gunsmith.  Is he wrong for having an opinion about Remington quality?

Not if you hear him tell it.
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Offline coyote6974

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remington safeties
« Reply #35 on: March 27, 2005, 12:51:02 PM »
I've owned several Remington rifels and shotguns over the past 30 years. I've never had a problem with any of them. I've had out of the box model 700's that will shoot smaller than dime size groups. So what's so spectacular about a Savage? I have a buddy who had a Model 700 ADL in 22-250 discharge on him when he chambered a round in his loading room. He discovered that the trigger and inside of the bolt was all gunked up and when he chambered the round with the safety off I might add, the darn thing went off.  I've also noticed his tendency, and have mentioned it to him, to place his finger inside trigger guards of guns he looks at at gun shows so nothing would surprise me. I was always taught that a trigger is a mechanical devise, and that any mechanical devise can and will fail. Nothing replaces proper gun safety. Learn it and live it always.

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Offline Wild Bill 442

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Remington triggers unsafe ?
« Reply #36 on: March 27, 2005, 05:32:21 PM »
I've owned plenty Remingtons and will own many more.  Some are 80-90 years old; others are a couple of months old (I've got a new 28ga Wingmaster that is too sweet to describe!!!)

The very first gun I ever paid for with my own hard-earned cash was a 700 BDL in 270 Win.  I stopped hunting with it 10 years ago because the trigger/safety thing had gotten so bad it would discharge once in every 10 bolt closings.  The recall is on because the problem was real.  Got it fixed a while back, free of charge plus a coupon I used to buy a set of muffs.  Its happily back in the active rack.

Design-wise Remington and Marlin have the products I want.  As for customer service, these two companies have never let me down.  I'll be buying from them as long as enough of you other folks out there buy from them too so that they stay in business.

Offline JPSaxMan

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Remington triggers unsafe ?
« Reply #37 on: March 28, 2005, 10:44:50 AM »
God Bless Remington :grin:  :D

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his sleep, he doesn't know about it until the next morning?

Doctor: Did you actually pass the bar exam?

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