VC not meaning to '"horn" in on JJ's sale but you asked a question about $5000 getting a safari together.
Look into Namibia as a rule for plainsgame the daily rates are better, you can usually find a company that includes airport pickup & return, etc. Everyone offers daily maid laundry services,great meals,etc. no matter where you go in Africa.
I've made 6 trips there so far to 3 different countries and all were goos with all different safari operators.
I've done the DG stuff and gotten that out of my system now I go for plainsgame only.
What you need to ask is "what am I really interested in hunting and if those hunts are all done on the same property or a combo of proerties and are transfers included in the price"
Let me give you an example: the trip I have booked for August 2006 starts and ends at Windhoek,Namibia airport with transfers included, new stone huts with indoor plumbing, maid service ,laundry service, great food, boose,1X1 PH, and trophy fees paid on these 3 animals (each refunded if you do not draw blood on that trophy) gemsbuck,kudu, hartman's zebra,etc. an ALL Inclusive hunt costs $3875 US for 7 days hunting and 1 addtional trip to Etosha National Park for game viewing (8 days total) you can add days @$250/day and take other trophies for the trophy fee only if you so choose. To that plane on $2000 air Rnd trip from Atlanta and you come out with a great trip for $6000 or so plus whatever you want to spend pocket cash.
It is a good trip, I've done it before. I've also spent $550/day with a 15 day min. to hunt lion plus a trophy fee. Yes that adds up QUICK!
There are many types of safaris no one can throw a blanket over a figure and say ..."for this much can I go to Africa"
Trust me when you hunt in Africa an compare it to a mountain elk hunt with an outfitter in Western USa you will be impressed with how well you are treated by even a mediocore company in Africa.