I sent my 45-70 in today for one of the 357 barrels. They said that they have plenty of them right now. I forgot to ask them about the forearm fit. Does anyone know if the 45-70 forearm is going to fit the 357 barrel or do they include a forearm that fits? Or will I have to order a separate forearm. I have lots of handi rifle but this is my first time to send one back for a barrel. I still need to send one in for a 30-30 barrel. Sorry to say even at the low cost of the handi barrels, I still couldn't afford to get both barrels at once. The high cost of gas is putting a bind on us guys who are retired and have a fixed income. Out here in the sticks its a long ways to everything. I had to go to the VA yesterday 110 miles. Even with my S-10 which gets good mileage, it was 27.00 to fill up with gas. I know I am not the only one feeling the pain though. :x