Author Topic: remington 8mm magnum.  (Read 1029 times)

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Offline kyote

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remington 8mm magnum.
« on: March 04, 2006, 03:29:03 AM »
thinking about adding this rifle / round to my collection.
is it a good round?not so worthy round.does it burn up barrels.does it reload up well?and can it kill a filthy coyote at 400 yards?
my huntin rifle is safe from confiscation only while my battle rifle protects it.

Offline beemanbeme

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remington 8mm magnum.
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2006, 03:35:52 AM »
I owned one for a short period of time.  I bought it used.  When the gun shop guy said, "it comes with a partial box of shells", I should have known something was up.  
I thought it was gonna be the ultimate elk rifle.  I didn't keep it long enough to find out.  I don't believe in brakes and such and the rifle's recoil was way too much for something used to kill an elk.  
As far as 400 yard coyotes, a 22-250 or Swift would take care of that.   :grin:

Offline msorenso

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remington 8mm magnum.
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2006, 07:15:52 AM »
I want one in bdl just haven't found one yet... I wished you still had it beemanbeme i would bought it grom you! :D

Offline NONYA

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remington 8mm magnum.
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2006, 08:00:53 AM »
I love mine,if im on an elk only hunt its my go to rifle,also took it to Africa,shot everything but my buff with it,Im shooting the 200 gr barnes triple shock out of it now,one hell of an elk load.
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Offline nomosendero

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remington 8mm magnum.
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2006, 12:38:31 PM »
Yes, the 200 TSX would be a mean Elk load.
A nice additional benefit to introduction of the 325WSM is that some new
bullets were introduced & that helps the 8MM Rem. alot. If bullets like
those in the 325 round & the TSX would have been available when the
8MM Rem. was introduced, it would have stood a much better chance of
becoming popular as it is a great Elk round. The wildcat 8mmRUM would
also be outstanding in a fairly heavy gun with a good stock & Limbsaver pad.
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Offline NONYA

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remington 8mm magnum.
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2006, 03:11:33 PM »
Just be damn sure of your backdrop with the 8 mag and those triple shocks,it will go through anything I have shot with it,regardless of range or shot angle.
If it aint fair chase its FOUL,and illegal in my state!

Offline kyote

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remington 8mm magnum.
« Reply #6 on: March 13, 2006, 03:16:40 PM »
well,It should be here next week.kinda excited.But,I have noticed in my regular rags that I order reloading items out of.there is not much in the way of load componets.Now hold on...I have not looked that hard yet.but midway and graff do not show much and does not have any dies listed.
I believe this will be a powerfull rifle for north america.and I believe noya said watch yer backstop as it will pass on thru every thing..that be a good idea for anything.I saw some one shoot a deer and several other deer were in the close proximty,but not in the area that if a bullet exited it would hit another animal.But when the guy shot, two deer went down..(.300Weathrby)well we had to know what killed the other was a shapnelbone..darndest thing I had seen.
my huntin rifle is safe from confiscation only while my battle rifle protects it.

Offline NYH1

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remington 8mm magnum.
« Reply #7 on: March 13, 2006, 05:50:45 PM »
Quote from: beemanbeme
As far as 400 yard coyotes, a 22-250 or Swift would take care of that.   :grin:
A 25-06 Rem. wouldn't be bad either! :grin:
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Offline kyote

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remington 8mm magnum.
« Reply #8 on: March 19, 2006, 06:44:14 AM »
thanks folks..still have not recieved her yet.the guy said he was going to mail it this monday.
yea there is a lot better things for them ole coyotes.But I just like to test my new guns and calibers on them,you just gotta love the 22-250..and that ole 25-06 is great.but for vermints..the bolt throw is to long for me.
my huntin rifle is safe from confiscation only while my battle rifle protects it.

Offline kyote

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remington 8mm magnum.
« Reply #9 on: March 29, 2006, 02:32:36 PM »
well It finally arrived.It is a remington custom shop that was sent  by the owner after he recieved it to Tx.where further custom work was done on her.Talley lapped rings,blue printed,lapped bolt,recrowned.the rifle is matte finished and the stock is gray..24" barrel.the gentleman sent me two bags of new remington brass rcbs dies and two bxs of swift 200gr bullets.looks to be shot only 16 times.he told me he was getting rid of her for something with a lot less recoil.Hmmmm.well I really wanted to use the talley lapped rings,But,after reading more about this caliber and seeing the size of the case's.I decided to put a leupold 4.5x14 matte duplex long range scope on her useing the leupold two piece base w/out the windage adj.seems this rifle can reach way out there and have mucho authority when it arrives at it's target.when I look at the case then the rifle.rocket launcher comes to mind for some reason..he he he..wish to hear from others with this caliber and find out how it preforms for them.and I understand that C.Boddington has one and it is his favorite rifle for big game.says if he can see them in the scope he can put em on the dinner table.
my huntin rifle is safe from confiscation only while my battle rifle protects it.

Offline nomosendero

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remington 8mm magnum.
« Reply #10 on: March 29, 2006, 05:05:53 PM »
kyote, I like your signature & you are right, the IInd is not about hunting!

Anyway, please keep us informed on how it shoots, sounds very nice!!   :D
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Offline DakotaMike

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remington 8mm magnum.
« Reply #11 on: March 31, 2006, 04:56:52 PM »
I've had my 8mm Rem mag since they came out and I think you will find it a great hunting round. Mine is very easy to reload for and will shoot the Nosler 200gr partition over a maximum charge of Reloader 22 & WLRM primers into a little over an inch at 200yds. As some of the folks have said the recoil can get a little tedious when shooting off the bench so I use one of the PAST recoil pads for practicing and have not had any more problems. Good luck with yours.

Offline kyote

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remington 8mm magnum.
« Reply #12 on: April 24, 2006, 07:41:13 AM »
 I finally was able to load some ammo and shoot the rifle this weekend.
I loaded some barnes 180 grain triple shock bullets over a maximum charge of RL22.fired three shots at 50 yards to set the windage and elevation.moved out to the 100 yards range.shot three shots with low magification.1" group.made some windage and elevation adjustments.put it on full magnification shot three shots.I was impressed at the accuracy of this round.I am off for three days next weekend.and was drawn for oryx at white sands missile range.Will test her this weekend.
my huntin rifle is safe from confiscation only while my battle rifle protects it.

Offline kyote

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remington 8mm magnum.
« Reply #13 on: May 02, 2006, 09:33:56 AM »
I am impressed with this rifle and caliber.Like I said I went to the range and zerod her.1 1/2" high @ 100 yards.the 3 shot group when fired after the last adj. measured .290 for the 3 shot group.and that was with a Barne's triple shock 180 grain sitting over 86 grains of RL22 and the bullet was .050 off the far it is a good load.
My son and I went on my Oryx hunt this weekend.I went friday just to scout around and wanted the boy child to be with me for the hunt.So saturday he and I headed out 0 dark thirty and saw several really nice animals.we saw two exceptional oryx way up in the mts. next to the forest line.large bodied and horns that were above average.I lased them and they were 265 yards the male was the larger of the two.I layed the pack on the ground and went prone with cross hairs on thier mark, I stopped and looked at how I was going to retreive the beast when it hit the deck.I was going to shoot across a canyon and I looked around for a spot to bring the 4x4 up close to the oryx.things did not look good for that.So I stood up after I put the saftey on and looked at the two as they headed into the forest and said go,grow and we headed of to another area.we saw a small oryx standing out a ways and new there would be we started heading towards it and all of a sudden out of a deep arroyo hopped a dozen more oryx,mostly small one with several average one then the last one out was a large bodied female,with average looking horns.@ 100 yards I shot low into the left shoulder.The shot took out both lungs (vaporized em)hit shoulder bone and a rib bone which sent secondary missiles into the beast then went threw the right shoulder and threw a rib bone and stopped right under the hide on the right side.the recoverd bullet weighted 148grains out of 180 grains.around the bullet was the petals that broke offthe bullet it mushroomed well.the oryx bolted for 20 yards and fell over dead right down into an arroyo it we found a place to ge the 4x4 into the arroyo and were able to drive right up to it.the banks of the arroyo were right next to the windows of the truck and there was a huge ole rattle snake (unknown to us)sunning himself on the sides of the arroyo as we drove by he set of his buzzer man was it load and a full set.scared the crap out of us.then we pulled up to the oryx and the work began..
my huntin rifle is safe from confiscation only while my battle rifle protects it.