I have officially joined the ranks of the Handi Obsessed. Here's my story. I bought a 243 superlight and have been having fits with it, so after 3 weeks of obsessing over it and numerous posts and calls to H&R. I get up this morning. its 26 degrees and 20 mile an hour wind I decide I need to get this resolved so I can get on with my life. I call in sick and head for the hill, before I get there it starts to snow like
*** so i decide to try shooting out of my car with a window sandbag. (commonly used here in Montana) since I'm really squinting to see my target through the snow, I scope myself since I have no rubbber on my scope,it really lays my nose open. but since the snow is letting up I decide to setup my table while I wait for the bleeding to stop. I get out my lead sled and start shooting, but this
darn thing still wont group better tan 2.5". So I get home and instead of getting my nose fixed up I get on the phone to NEF. to bitch about my gun. Than after 4 butterflies. I write this post . to give me time to come up with a reason to give my wife for my injury when I should be working. But I am thinking about going to the gun shop instead to trade it on a different Handi. I definitely have a problem. I need intervention.You guys can help in one of the following ways.
1 first and foremost help me find the accuracy secret of this gun
2 Help me come up with a beleiveable story for my wife.
3 give me some good handloads for this thing.
But on the positive yesterday when I should have been working, I went ground squirrel hunting. There is nothing that soothes the soul like the pink splatter of squirrels on snow it was so obvious that the crows were coming to get some and 3 got to close. My heavy barrel 223 handi and my dog are the only two things in life that haven't let me down, and my handi hasn't ever crapped on my carpet.
Can you feel my pain?