Post's are too far and few between on the paper patch bullet discussion. I have couple of questions? Does anyone know of a paper company "currently" manafacturing onion skin paper in 7-11 lb weights from 100% cotton rag paper? Southworth and Eaton used to make onion skin or erasable bond paper in these weights. I have tried vellum, tracing paper, Shiloh's paper, Buffalo Arms paper, some new 25% cotton paper in onion skin. None patches up as well as "old stock" Southworth onion skin rag paper. Shiloh paper does not have a water mark, tears easily, tries to unwrap and I question that it is cotton paper. Buffalo Arms paper has a water mark and behaves like cotton paper but is a little soft when wet. By the way the correct angle on the patch is 35 degrees, not some other figures I have seen posted. I use an office paper cutter that I marked off lines on--I cut strips the correct width and cut patches to correct length. To keep the paper straight, I mark off the strips on a stack of no more than 5 sheets at a time and staple both ends of each strip. I can cut a couple hundred patches in a few minutes. I use a patch board with a groove cut across the bottom and lines drawn perpendicular to the groove to patch the bullets. Unlike some. I dip the patches in water and put them on very wet . If they sun dry or dry overnight they seem to stay more uniform. Since I find strips and unwrapped patches in front of the muzzle I don't think the paper sticks to the bullet. After all these years paper patching is still and ongoing experiment. Let's here some imput from some of you want to be buffalo hunters.