Author Topic: One-Time Use Cameras  (Read 960 times)

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Offline savageT

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One-Time Use Cameras
« on: May 02, 2003, 06:29:58 AM »
Has anyone made an attempt evaluating one-time use 35mm cameras lately?  Is there a big difference between all the various Kodak, Fugi, store brand names???  Just can't see buying another battery and roll of film for the old Pentax SLR at this point.  What's your feelings?

savageT........Have you hugged a '99 lately?

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Offline Ladobe

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One-Time Use Cameras
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2003, 03:34:00 PM »
Depends a lot on what your use for the camera will be I guess.   Simple snapshots is about all I think they are good for, and I don't take those.   There are lots of instances were I think they would be fine for the "normal" photog though and better than nothing at all.  

The SLR's and my 4th digital still see me through any photo ops I run into, so I'll continue to lug them out I guess.

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Offline Gatofeo

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One-Time Use Cameras
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2003, 08:14:19 AM »
I like the waterproof Kodak with flash. I used one a few years ago, don't know if they're still made.
It was handy in the boat when fishing at my cabin in B.C. It works for the typical "guy holding up a fish" photo and Idont have to worry about dropping it over the side.
I've even held it over the side while a trout was netted, for some underwater action shots. Not a complete success; trout move awfully fast for its shutter to stop movement but it was fun trying.
I wish Kodak would come out with a zoom model of one-time-use. Something like 28-80 with flash and 36 exposures. That would be especially nice in the boat for when I see bald eagles in the trees as we troll by or deer watering on shore.
I've obtained good prints with these single-use cameras but you have to get close. Composition of the shot is crucial with these little devils. You can't just stand 30 feet away and get a photo of Uncle Ernie at the family picnic, and expect it to be decent. But then, that's true of any camera.
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Offline Charlie Detroit

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One-Time Use Cameras
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2003, 05:02:42 AM »
Right on, again, Gatofeo...I'm always amazed by how many folks back 'way away from their subject before pressing the shutter release. And then they wonder why you can't really see little Johnny's expression when his whole body only occupies 1/10th of the picture. Of course, they probably had little Johnny looking directly into the sun, too, so he doesn't really have any expression other than pain.
Nowadays, of course, if you have enough pixels, you can do amazing things with cropping, but when I was learning the art, the main cropping tool you had was your feet, especially shooting color slides.
I think that putting a zoom into a disposable is beyond the means of our manufacturers; zooms are expensive, and we couldn't afford to buy the cameras, not to throw away, at least.
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I ain't paranoid, but sometimes I shoot when I spin around.--just in case

Offline Jack Crevalle

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Re: One-Time Use Cameras
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2003, 08:36:50 AM »
Quote from: savageT
Has anyone made an attempt evaluating one-time use 35mm cameras lately?  Is there a big difference between all the various Kodak, Fugi, store brand names???  Just can't see buying another battery and roll of film for the old Pentax SLR at this point.  What's your feelings?


My wife has had good luck with the Kodak MAX disposables. Here's
a site that has sample pics:

( link removed )

I guess it really depends on what you are doing with it. If it's a fishing trip like Gatofeo said you might want to just go the disposable route. If it's the once in a life time trip to the Great Wall...