i am getting water into my engine, and the sparkplug is milky, ect.
i toor the whole atv apart. and pulled the engine yesterday.
Plan on overhauling it myself.
I need to know how to pull of the flywheel.
i got the clutch plate assembly off, and all thats left is the long hollow shaft with threads inside way in and also threads at the end about an inch or so inside the shaft.
I am trying to get the shaft and the rest of the pully off.
i tried using a puller, but i have a poor puller and it won't stay on. also tried to pount it off with sckrewing the clutch assembly back on, but it won't budge.
i pulled the head off and the gasket i feel is bad because there is a little wear or ect...
Also i am thinking i may have probs with the water pump, or maybe a seal or bearing is out,
am planning on splitting the engine to fix this.
Just wondering if anyone has any sugestions and anyway that this shaft and pully comes off.
i may end up taking it to my neighbor to see if he has a good puller.
Thanks for any help that you guys may have, or and past experiances.