one piece of advice i can pass along is that any VMAX bullet is a poor choice for the 22 hornet.
the VMAX bullets are heavily jacketed bullets that are good for high velocity rounds like the 223 and the like. hornets require thin jackets for any kind of expansion.
a VMAX fired in a hornet will never expand, the case cannot take the pressure required to obtain the velocity needed for any sort of reasonable expansion.
check out hornady 35 and 40 grain hornet bullets, they offer spire points and round noses with extremely thin copper jackets. other company's make them too.
make sure you order .224 diameter bullets too, a lot of older hornet rifles have smaller bores and need .223 diameter bullets.
hornets are very thin cased cartridges, like a miniature 30-30, trim them to length so the necks don't split. my handy will split necks if i don't watch the case length.
a 35 grain hornet bullet and 10 grains (plus or minus) of H110 is a hot hornet load, but, it wo
n't generate enough velocity to expand a VMAX bullet. try cast bullets, lyman makes a real nice 37 grain gas check bullet mold that shots great with a few grains of unique or solo 1000.
i can't give a quick explanation why the VMAX give poor groups in the hornets, most probably due to a wrong pressure/time curve caused by the thicker jacket needing more pressure over a longer time period ?, who knows !
if i had to guess, fred has the answer to this !