Ok, I quess I will pipe in.
In 1969 I got out of Uncle Sam's Army and married my long time girl friend a few months later. Shortly after my Brother in Law and I purchased a couple of Model 19 Smiths. Boy, Did we shoot the Hell out of them. I mean thousands and thousands of rounds of cast bullets.
One Sunday we went to the In laws for Sunday dinner and he told me about the ugly pistol he had purchased. He called it the "CLUB CONTENDER", but boy did it shoot. After dinner we fired a few rounds and he was right. In the next couple weeks my OTHER Brother in Law and I purchased a couple of frames together. We paid 75.00 for the frames with grips and forends.
They, the TC's have probably given my families more pleasure than any other firearms we own.
I still have the Wife, Brothers in Law, Mother in Law, all the frames, Barrels, Kids, Grand Kids, and so do they. Still got the Smith also.
If anybody looks at the logo of Hunters Specialties, that guy in the LOGO is my Brother In Law.
YUP! We are shooters.