Author Topic: T/C contender 30 Herrett that will shoot 7.62 x 39mm too??  (Read 1526 times)

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Offline handcanon

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T/C contender 30 Herrett that will shoot 7.62 x 39mm too??
« on: January 15, 2003, 09:57:51 AM »
Has anybody heard of a Thompson contender 30 Herrett barrel that will shoot 7.62 x 39mm russian ammunition? I found it on eBay and he states "the barrel will shoot two calibers!" Is this true??

Offline John Traveler

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TC that will shoot .30 Herret & 7.62x39
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2003, 11:04:33 AM »

I dunno how one TC barrel can shoot both cartridges safely.. the dimensions are too different.

The .30 Herret is based on a shorted .30-30 Winchester case... it is  RIMMED and takes a .308 inch diameter bullet.

The 7.62x39mm Combloc assault rifle cartridge is rimless and takes a .311 inch diameter bullet.

Would someone care to explain how that is gonna work?
John Traveler

Offline handcanon

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30 Herrett & 7.62 x 39
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2003, 12:06:11 PM »
Handcannon...John traveler is correct.   I had a contender barrel that was chambered for 30 Herrett (which is a short 30-30 case) & have also owned a rifle chambered for 7.62 x39 (rimless case).  Doing a side by side comparison the 2 cases are quite simular, but not interchangeable.    My advice is to either buy you a 7.62 x39 barrel  or a 30-30 Win or 30-30  Ackley Improved.    30 Herrett is a pain to handload.                               Good hunting & shooting
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Offline handcanon

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30 Herrett & 7.62 x 39
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2003, 12:19:32 PM »
I wasn't going to buy it I just didn't think it would work but I didn't know forsure. It just struck me as not being right, you know?

Offline hitman

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T/C contender 30 Herrett that will shoot 7.
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2003, 11:27:52 AM »
Yes, I have not only heard of a Contender that would shoot both ammo well I have owned one. It was built by a gunsmith in Florida. It headspaced on the shoulder in stead of the rim of the parent cartridge. I shot a lot of rounds of both types of ammo and was very satisfyied with the groups I got. It was nice being able to shoot a lot without all the case forming of the 30 herret. 7.62x39 ammo is real cheap and readily available. I only used the 30 Herret Handloads for hunting.

Offline thomas

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Something is just not right about this
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2003, 02:23:12 PM »
the 7.62x39 has a base dia of .443 the herrett has a base dia. of .421
the Herrett is LONGER than the 7.62x39 .
I would say the 7.62 will NOT chamber in the Herrett barrel due to the base dia.
The herrett would NOT chamber in the 7.62 due to length.
the rounds have a different taper.
They are NOT similar rounds in dimensions.
And it is UNSAFE to use any ammo not designed for the chamber.
Something just STINKS about this.
If a chamber was cut to fit both rounds you would be fireforming the brass on every shot.