I bought this 10" 7-08 about 3 months ago. It does have lots of kick and fireblast, but it is awesome. Course, I have never shot a pistol like this, so I may not know what I'm talking about.
I do know that I can hold 'em inside of a snuff can @ 100 yards. And that is shooting off of a rail. No bags, or vise. I am shooting factory Remington 120 gr HP's. The gun is short, and fits well in the TC Shoulder Holster I bought off of ebay.
I purchased this setup just to carry to the bowstand w/me. I bowhunt all year, but last year I had 2 different bucks (140+") pass by me at about 60-80 yards. One of the bucks got by me twice. Next year, once November rolls around, this Encore will be in the tree w/me. If a "good 'ern" hangs up at over 50 yards, he's gonna get some fire and lead thrown at him!
One thing I would like to do is to have a trigger job done on it. Does anyone know of a place in the North Tx area that could do this for me. I live on Lake Texoma, so Southern Ok would work as well.
Good luck w/your 7-08 ............................. 12ring.