Have you ever went to the range and everything seems to going GREAT!
I mean, so good that it scares the hell out of you.
I had one of those days today. I did not stay long because I was worried that something was gonna go bad.
First off, shot the T/C Benchmark 22 with a new batch of Wolf Match Target Ammo. Shoot a group, the first group, 1/2" for 10 shots. Wow! Tried another group 1/2" These are at 50 yards. Third group, opened up to about 3/4". Ok lets try the FA 44 Special with the 5-1/2 barrel. Clean barrel.. out of 5 shots 2 go dead center one just slightly left then the other 2 out about 2-1/2 inches. Not bad I think. Another cylinder full, two more go dead center on the same target the other 3, just low about an inch from center. About a 2 inch group on that cylinder. Man... this is great. Ok put down the FA, pick up the T/C again, shoot about six shots, then notice on the target near the top. A fly has landed in the white area, Ok, lets go for it, shoot and doggone it I splattered that thing.
Guts spray on the paper, that's the second time I've done this.
Then put another target up, but I decide to shoot at the recycle triangle. End up putting all ten in the triange.
Needless to say, I packed up and went home, I wanted to remember this one.
Total time at the range, no more than one hour.
Just wondered if anyone else has had one of those good days that scare you.