I see we've had some excellant suggestions for Handi and BC loads. There is a load of experience among the various loaders of the 45-70. Now I need some advice on low pressure loads. I have two H&R Shikari 45-70s which I have never loaded for. I know these were built on the old Topper actions, and thus must be used with "Springfield" type loads. Also, I'm new to cast bullets.
First question: Has anyone been sucessful in duplicating the 405 gr Remington factory loads? These must be in the "Springfield" loadings, and I have a good quanity of the Remington 405 Soft Points. Would like to duplicate this load so that I can go back and forth between handloads and the Green boxes when need be.
Second question: My Lyman manual also doesn't list a 405 cast "Springfield" load, only lighter bullets. I have some 405 gr Performance Cast on order, and want to use these with smokeless powder in the Shikaris. Any suggestion?
I do not have access to a chronograph and thought maybe someone out there has done this research.
Thank you..Wally