Author Topic: has anyone used this before?  (Read 567 times)

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Offline rickyp

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has anyone used this before?
« on: May 12, 2005, 09:57:35 AM »

Offline southern utah

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has anyone used this before?
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2005, 12:25:20 PM »
the rear griip bolt works ok but I was told will bend on some heavy recoil or resting against something inmobile.
The barrel bands will sometimes  turn on the barrel and mark it up some.

I made my own grip scew with a bigger-better spacer and use a rifle forearm with two sling studs.

Offline armory414

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has anyone used this before?
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2005, 02:08:10 PM »
I've used this set-up on my 15 inch .44 mag Encore.  My original idea was that the sling could be used as a support for shooting off-hand when hunting.  I couldn't get the sling long enough for that to work (well, I could, but then the gun hung down by my knees).  The forward sling attaches to the barrel.  I assumed that it would mar the barrel, so I put a foil shim underneath to prevent and scratching, which did the trick, but the swivel scooted forward with each shot until after about 10 shots it was up against the front sight.  For handgun, I'm not going to bother any more.  The Encore is light enough that I can carry it open like a shotgun.  I may use the sling again if I ever set my Encore up as a rifle, but until then it's sitting in a box unused.

Offline rickyp

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has anyone used this before?
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2005, 02:21:38 PM »
The barrel band will not be used. I have installed slind studs on both my forends. what I want is the grip stud and the swivles.

The grip is needed so I can switch between shoulder stock and handgun grip with out having to keep taking the grip cap off. This is not good for the screw holes.

The grip I have is the rubber one and the guy that had it before me put a stud in the first screw hole. What I have done right now is: I removed the grip cap and put the slind stud back.

I use the sling to hold my hunting handgun in my stand. I have a heavy duty wire tie trough the grip swivel and put it over the hook on a bow. This puts the handgun in about right position for a quick grab but it can be swong out of the way when needed.

southern utah:
I made my own grip scew with a bigger-better spacer

do you have a picture of this? or cna you tell me more about it? like how did you make it where did you get the supplys?

Offline Bullseye

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has anyone used this before?
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2005, 07:33:54 PM »
Should work fine.  I have been using the Uncle Mikes Sets on my Contenders for years.  The grip stud works great.  I would not like the barrel band.  I have studs on all my fore ends.