Manzo is a communist - who else wants to impound every aspect of an individual's life that may or may not have illegally been involved with a gun. I don't see why people either just don't move the hay out of the People's Sunken Republick of Neu Joisey or raise the hammer and sickle flag.
Jersey has lautenberg, manzo and a bunch of other gun-loathingl, society controlling wannabee commies. Pete Dawkins even once vied for political office in jersey, but lost to lautenberg becuase he wasn't liberal enough - had too many kennedys on his side. Hasn't anyone ever read the crime statistics for that state - they are higher than the water table which carries mental illnss and meglomania. New Jersey politicians have a higher rate of mental illness and developmental disorders than the politicians in any other state, except possibly in kalifornika where magic mushrooms are sold in the supermarkets (lol). They probably also suffer from the nation's highest rate of veneral disease.
I think that if the folks in jersey ever want their state back they just hafta vot6e those commies the hay out of office. Either that or commit to a general loss of all freedoms, including the rights against unlawful search and seizure, and the advent of a communist state in the US. Geez, sou7nds like hillary oughta move on down there. JMHO. Mikey.