Good Grief!!! Is it really Spring? You sure couldn't tell by the temperatures.
Here in good 'ole central Md. (California of the Mid-Atlantic) we have had only five days where the temperature has reached 80 degrees, compared to 17 by this time last year. The temps have been in the 50's all week and its rained since Monday. This morning it was 47 degrees when I left for work. I don't know the last time its been in the 70's. There may have been a 70 degree day last week, if I recall correctly.
We've have so much rain and no sunshine to evaporate it that I have to wear my pasture boots at the range, when I can get there, which has been well over two weeks ago. The caretaker cannot get the tractor down there to cut the grass for fear it will sink. The grass is about a foot high. The next time I get a chance to go to the range, I'll have to take the weedeater to cut a path so I can wade through the water.
I've put less than 150 miles on the H-D this year, so far. And it's almost June!!!! UNBELIEVEABLE!!!!
It was reported on the news this morning that Boston had a windchill of 37 degrees and Maine's coastline was getting hammered by the storm that wont leave us alone.
Me thinks Mother Nature is seriously P.O'd with the Mid-Atlantic.
Can't shoot. Can't ride the scooter. Cleaned the Handi's too many time's already. Got enought bullets loaded to last two Summer's.
Guess I've rambled enough.
Thanks for the indulgence.